If you have a minute, please take a moment to read the story I'm about to share. I promise it's worth your time.

If you have a minute, please take a moment to read the story I'm about to share. I promise it's worth your time.

In late 2021 and early 2022, I would often see a man panhandling at the intersection of 87th and Ridgeland.

Months went by, and I never stopped to talk to him, which is out of my character, as I always seemed to have an excuse.

It's too cold.

I'm running late.

He probably won't talk to me anyway.

It's raining.

He probably won't accept any help.

But on January 28th, 2022, our God worked one of His miracles.

I stopped at the Dunkin' near that intersection on my way home from church. He was sitting at one of the tables outside.

He looked cold.

He looked dopesick.

He looked absolutely miserable.

And I was going to drive away.

But I felt "the nudge". You know the one where God puts His hands on your shoulders and the feeling stops you in your tracks?

It was so strong. So forceful. And I knew that I had to obey.

I rolled down my window and asked the man his name.

"Tim" he said. "My name is Tim."

He asked me for money. I told him that my heart wouldn't let me give him money to feed his addiction.

He hung his head low. He looked so defeated.

But I offered him friendship. And a meal. I invited him to church for soup kitchen the following day.

Never thinking he would actually come, imagine my surprise when he came walking in the doors of the church the next day.

I took him downstairs and got him something to eat. I got myself a plate and we chatted.

I've heard stories like his countless times before.

I offered a listening ear. I gave him some gentle advice. I explained how we could help him.

Pastor Ronel came in and played a song. He delivered a simple message.

But that song and that simple message spoke to Tim's heart. A light came into his eye.

He said he'd be contacting me soon, which he did the very next day.

Normally I don't answer my phone on Sundays (my only day off), but again, our God told me to take the call.

He asked questions about detox and rehab.

We spoke for a few minutes. I told him that when he was ready for help, he could come and see me at church.

Well, guess who was waiting for me on the steps of church the following morning?

Experience tells me that when someone is ready for detox, you MOVE QUICK to make that happen.

We put him a bag of essentials together and I called an Uber.

I snapped a quick photo when he was walking to his ride.

I shared that picture and asked for prayers. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people started praying for our friend.

Raise a hallelujah! Our weapon is a melody!

Over the next few weeks, and then months, he would use his phone privileges to check in with me. And almost every time, I would share that with you, and the prayers would continually roll.

It's been a few weeks since I heard from Tim. He wasn't responding to my calls or texts. I imagined the worst.

And then at about 12:15pm today, I'm sitting in my office when I see someone walking towards me.

I didn't recognize him at first. He looked so different...he looked so HEALTHY.

But when he spoke, my heart dropped to the floor.


He came in today to thank me in person for saving his life.

Now that's a really nice thing for him to say, but God's the one who does saving, yes? Although, I am HONORED to have played a small role in his recovery.

He's doing well, so well. He has decided to extend his time at the sober living home. He's back to his union job. He's making amends with past relationships. He found the love of Jesus.

He IS a walking, talking miracle.

And he gave me $100 to use towards helping "the next in line". Isn't that beautiful?

Tim gave me permission to share his story and his picture.

Because everyone deserves a second chance. Even if it's the 10th second chance.

Thank you for reading.


Jamie Viravec